A Love Letter to the Rain - From Kannukutty Organic

2 minute read

As farmers in the tropical region near Coimbatore, India, rain is the lifeblood of our farm. While some may wish for clear sunny skies, we eagerly await the first drops of the monsoon rains. When dark clouds roll in, our hearts fill with joy - and our kids can’t wait to dance and play in the downpour!

Rain brings the promise of new life to our little plot of land. When sweet rain falls on the red soil, green shoots peek through almost overnight. The fields and forests around us explode into vivid colors. Birds sing and animals parade through rain-washed grasslands. Rain brings out the very best of natural beauty in our tropical home.

We cherish rain so much that we even wrote a poem, our own special “love letter” to these nurturing showers from above:

Rain, rain, do not delay,
Bless our land in every way.
Tropical showers, life’s embrace,
Nourish all with your grace.

In our tropical home, the rain’s a friend,
A gift from up above, on which life depends.
It makes the land bloom and our hearts take flight,
Bringing nature’s beauty to wondrous light.

Children’s laughter echoes in each drop’s dance,
A symphony of joy at rain’s advance.
We hope for rain when skies are sunny and bright,
In our tropical world, it feels just right.

For forests and fields that spread so wide,
Sweet rain sustains, as a nurturing guide.
Flora blooms in colors vivid and green,
Fauna thrives in this lively scene.

From the smallest bud to the tallest tree,
Rain gives life to all we can see.
In our tropical realm, this truth holds fast,
Dear rain, we thank you - please do last.

To people in temperate climates, rain may seem like an inconvenience - something that ruins plans for outdoor fun. But here in our steamy corner of South India, rain sets everything right. It signals a time of renewal, of crops ripening on the vine and children splashing through mud.

As our kids will tell you, rain isn’t something to be shooed away! It deserves to be celebrated, appreciated, and enjoyed. We hope this poem captures why we tropical farmers have such affection for the rainy season. Rain brings life and joy - what could be better than that?

So while the rest of the world sings “rain, rain go away,” we’ll continue wishing and praying for more. Rain is our friend, and we can’t get enough of its beautiful embrace! To the monsoon rains we say: please, delay no more!

P.S.: In some schools, our children are taught to sing “rain, rain, go away!”. Hope that would change soon.

